Common fixed point theorems for C-class functions in b-metric spaces with application

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Shashi Thakur
Rakesh Tiwari
Nidhi .


In this paper, we establish the existence and uniqueness of common fixed point theorems for self mappings satisfying the common limit range property with respect to mappings S and T and common (E.A)-property via the concept of C-class functions in b-metric spaces. We furnish two examples to validate our results. Our results improve various results appeared in the current literature. As an application, We provide the existence of a solution of an integral equations.


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How to Cite
Thakur, S., Tiwari, R., & ., N. (2023). Common fixed point theorems for C-class functions in b-metric spaces with application. Journal of the Tensor Society, 17(01), 68-79.

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