The L-dual of a Generalized m-Kropina Space

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Gauree Shanker


In 1987, R. Miron introduced the concept of L-duality between Cartan spaces and Finsler spaces ([5]) : The geometry of higher order Finsler spaces were sudied in ([1] ; [8]) : The theory of higher order Lagrange and Hamilton spaces were discussed in ([6] ; [7] ; [9]) : Some special problems concerning the L- duality and classes of Finsler spaces were studied in ([3] ; [13]) : In ([2] ; [10] ; [11]) the L-duals of Randers, Kropina and Matsumoto space were introduced. The L-dual of an (®; ¯) Finsler space was introduced in [12] :In this paper we give the L-dual of a generalized m-Kropina Space.


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How to Cite
Shanker, G. (2011). The L-dual of a Generalized m-Kropina Space. Journal of the Tensor Society, 5(01), 15-25.
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