On Ricci Tensors of a Finsler Space with Special (α, β)−Metric

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Pradeep Kumar
T S Madhu
B R Sharath


In the present paper, we find the Ricci tensor of a Finsler space of a special (α, β)-metric F = µ_1 α + µ_2 β + µ_3 β^2/ α, (where µ_1, µ_2 and µ_3 are constants) and α = sqrt (a_{ij} y^i y^j) be a Riemannian metric and β be a 1-form. Further, we prove that if α is a positive (negative) sectional curvature and F is of α-parallel Ricci curvature with constant Killing 1-form β, then (M, F) is a Riemannian Einstein space


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How to Cite
Kumar, P., Madhu, T., & Sharath, B. (2019). On Ricci Tensors of a Finsler Space with Special (α, β)−Metric. Journal of the Tensor Society, 13(01), 73-80. https://doi.org/10.56424/jts.v13i01.10599
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