Higher Dimensional Cosmological Model of the Universe Dominated by Extended Chaplygin Gas

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Rupali Wanjari
G S Khadekar
Ghanshyam Malviya


In this paper, we consider the extended Chaplygin gas equation of state as a model of dark energy which recovers quadratic barotropic fluids equation of state. We obtain an analytical expression of the energy density, Hubble parameter in terms of the scale factor in the framework of Kaluza Klein type FRW cosmological model.


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How to Cite
Wanjari, R., Khadekar, G., & Malviya, G. (2019). Higher Dimensional Cosmological Model of the Universe Dominated by Extended Chaplygin Gas. Journal of the Tensor Society, 13(01), 91-100. https://doi.org/10.56424/jts.v13i01.10597
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