Metallic structure on Lagrangian manifold

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Geeta Verma


In this paper, the author convention with the Lagrange vertical structure on the vertical space TV (E) endowed with a non null (1,1) tensor field FV satisfying metallic structure F2 − αF − βI = 0. The horizontal subspace TH(E) is applied on the same structure. Next, some theorems are proved and obtained conditions under which the distribution L and M are ∇-parallel, ¯∇ anti half parallel when ∇ = ¯∇. Lastly, certain theorems on geodesics on the Lagrange manifold are deduced.


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How to Cite
Verma, G. (2020). Metallic structure on Lagrangian manifold. Journal of the Tensor Society, 14(01), 9-18.
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