Some Curvature Tensors of a Semi Symmetric Metric Á¡Connection in an LSP-Sasakian Manifold

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A Bhattacharyya
C Patra


The purpose of this paper is to investigate the conditions for the pseudo- projective curvature tensor and quasi-conformal curvature tensor of a semi- symmetric metric Á-connection to be the pseudo-projective curvature tensor and quasi-conformal curvature tensor of a Levi-Civita connection on LSP-Sasakian manifold. Also we shall discuss the behavior of conharmonic curvature ten- sor and Tachibana concircular curvature tensor with respect to semi-symmetric metric Á-connection on LSP-Sasakian manifold.


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How to Cite
Bhattacharyya, A., & Patra, C. (2011). Some Curvature Tensors of a Semi Symmetric Metric Á¡Connection in an LSP-Sasakian Manifold. Journal of the Tensor Society, 5(01), 67-75.
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