Generalized Sasakian-Space-Forms with Quasi-Conformal Curvature Tensor

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Rajendra Prasad
Pankaj .
Kwang-Soon Park


In this article, we study generalized Sasakian-space-form with quasi-con- formal curvature tensor. In a quasi-conformally °at generalized Sasakian-space- form we ¯nd some relations between di®erentiable functions f1, f2 and f3. In a quasi-conformally °at generalized Sasakian space form we also ¯nd Ricci- tensor, Ricci-operator and scaler curvature. Ricci-tensor, Ricci-operator and scalar curvature are also found in a quasi-conformally semi-symmetric general- ized Sasakian-space-form.


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How to Cite
Prasad, R., ., P., & Park, K.-S. (2011). Generalized Sasakian-Space-Forms with Quasi-Conformal Curvature Tensor. Journal of the Tensor Society, 5(01), 89-99.
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