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Neha .
Mihiret Tulamo Tupala
Sultan Ahmad
Subrata Kumar Sahu


Tilted LRS Bianchi-VIo dark energy cosmological model is investigated in Einstein’s theory of gravitation. We obtained solutions by considering shear scalar  proportional to expansion scalar and deceleration  parameter. Further we obtained an accelerating universe subject to the small value of the anisotropic parameter. Some physical and geometrical properties of the solutions are also discussed.


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How to Cite
., N., Tupala, M., Ahmad, S., & Sahu, S. (2024). TILTED LRS BIANCHI TYPE-VIo DARK ENERGY COSMOLOGICAL MODEL. Journal of the Tensor Society, 17(01), 80-87. https://doi.org/10.56424/jts.v17i01.198


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