On Hypersurface of a Finsler space with the Generalized Matsumoto metric

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Surekha Desai
Narasimhamurthy S K
Raghavendra R S


In this paper, we study some geometrical properties of a Finsler space with the generalized Matsumoto metric L = αm+1 (α − β)m . Further, we prove the necessary and sufficient condition for Finsler Hypersurface satisfies the condition of hyperplanes of first, second kinds and but not the hyperplane of the third kind with respect to the above metric.


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How to Cite
Desai, S., K, N., & S, R. (2022). On Hypersurface of a Finsler space with the Generalized Matsumoto metric. Journal of the Tensor Society, 16(01), 56-70. https://doi.org/10.56424/jts.v16i01.192
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