Ricci Solitons in (ϵ)-Trans-Sasakian Manifolds

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Gurupadavva Ingalahalli
C S Bagewadi


We study Ricci solitons in (ϵ)-trans-Sasakian manifolds. It is shown that a symmetric parallel second order covariant tensor in a (ϵ)-trans-Sasakian manifold is a constant multiple of the metric tensor. Using this it is shown that if LV g + 2S is parallel where V is a given vector field, then (g, V ) is Ricci soliton. Further, by virtue of this result, Ricci solitons for n-dimensional (ϵ)- trans-Sasakian Manifolds are obtained. Next, Ricci solitons for 3-dimensional (ϵ)-trans-Sasakian Manifolds of type (α, β) are discussed.


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How to Cite
Ingalahalli, G., & Bagewadi, C. (2012). Ricci Solitons in (ϵ)-Trans-Sasakian Manifolds. Journal of the Tensor Society, 6(01), 145-159. https://doi.org/10.56424/jts.v6i01.10452
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