Mucus Flow in Human Lung Airways :A Planar Two Layer Steady State Mathematical Model

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V S Verma


In this paper, a planar two-layer steady state mathematical model is presented to study mucus flow in human lung airways due to cilia beating and some immobile cilia forming porous matrix in serous sub layer in contact with epithelium as a highly viscous fluid. The effect of air-motion is considered by prescribing air velocity at the mucus-air interface. The effects of pressure drop and gravitational force are also considered in the model. It is shown that the mucus flow rate increases as pressure drop or gravitational force increases. It also increases as the air- velocity at the mucus air interface increases whereas it decreases as the viscosity of serous fluid or that of mucus increases.It is also shown that the increase in mucus viscosity at higher values do not have any significant effect on its transport rate.


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How to Cite
Verma, V. (2012). Mucus Flow in Human Lung Airways :A Planar Two Layer Steady State Mathematical Model. Journal of the Tensor Society, 6(01), 69-77.
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