Subspaces of the Generalized Lagrange Space with the Metric gij(x; y) = °ij(x) + ³ 1 ¡ 1 ´2(x) ´ yiyj

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H S Shukla
S K Mishra


R. Miron and M. Anastesiei [4] have developed theory of subspaces of gen- eralized Lagrange spaces to a large extent in their monograph \Vector bundles and Lagrange spaces, application in relativity". In 1989 T. Kawaguchi and R. Miron [3] gave a class of generalized Lagrange space Mn = (M; gij(x; y)) where gij(x; y) = °ij(x) + 1 c2 yiyj ;


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How to Cite
Shukla, H., & Mishra, S. (2011). Subspaces of the Generalized Lagrange Space with the Metric gij(x; y) = °ij(x) + ³ 1 ¡ 1 ´2(x) ´ yiyj. Journal of the Tensor Society, 5(01), 41-47.
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