Probing an exact universe with recent H(z) and Pantheon data

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Annu Jaiswal
G K Goswami
S K Srivastava


In this paper, we have investigated an exact solution of Einstein’s field equation of isotropic and homogeneous universe. We have performed $\chi^{2}$ test to obtain the best fit value of model parameters of derived model with its observed values. It is obtained that the best fit values of Hubble constant and density parameters are $H_{0} = 68.13 \pm 1.17$, $(\Omega_{m})_{0} = 0.27 \pm 0.005$ and $(\Omega_{\Lambda})_{0} = 0.718 \pm 0.015$ by bounding the derived model with latest $H(z)$ data while with Pantheon data, its values are $H_{0} = 71.47 \pm 0.53$, $(\Omega_{m})_{0} = 0.276 \pm 0.006$ and $(\Omega_{\Lambda})_{0} = 0.74 \pm 0.01$. The dynamics of deceleration parameter shows that in the derived model, the universe was in decelerating phase for the transition red-shift $z_{t} > 0.723$. At $z_{t} = 0.723$, the present universe has entered in accelerating phase of expansion. The age of current universe is obtained as $13.89 \pm 0.017$ Gyrs which is in good consistency with its value observed by Plank collaboration results and WMAP observations.

PACS number: 98.80.-k, 04.20.Jb


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How to Cite
Jaiswal, A., Goswami, G., & Srivastava, S. (2020). Probing an exact universe with recent H(z) and Pantheon data. Journal of the Tensor Society, 14(01), 58-70.
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