Quasi-Conformal Curvature Tensor on a K-Contact Manifold

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Rajendra Prasad
Vibha Srivastava
Kwang-Soon Park


The object of this paper is to study K-contact manifold with quasi-conformal curvature tensor. We find some interesting results for a quasi conformally flat K-contact manifold under certain conditions. In particular it is proved that a K-contact manifold with the condition. ˜ C.S = 0 is η− Einstein.


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How to Cite
Prasad, R., Srivastava, V., & Park, K.-S. (2012). Quasi-Conformal Curvature Tensor on a K-Contact Manifold. Journal of the Tensor Society, 6(01), 127-136. https://doi.org/10.56424/jts.v6i01.10454
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