Flow of an Unsteady Dusty Fluid Through a Channel having Triangular Cross-section in Frenet frame field System under varying Pulsatile Pressure Gradient

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B J Gireesha
G K Ramesh
C S Bagewadi
Mahesha .


The geometry of laminar flow of an unsteady viscous liquid with uniform distribution of dust particles through a channel having triangular cross-section under the influence of time dependent pressure gradient has been considered. The intrinsic decomposition of flow equations are carried out in Frenet frame field system. Initially the fluid and dust particles are assumed to be at rest. The exact solutions for velocities of fluid and dust particles are obtained using variable separable and Laplace transform techniques. Further the skin friction at the boundary plates are also calculated, and the changes in the velocity profiles with s and n are shown graphically


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How to Cite
Gireesha, B., Ramesh, G., Bagewadi, C., & ., M. (2012). Flow of an Unsteady Dusty Fluid Through a Channel having Triangular Cross-section in Frenet frame field System under varying Pulsatile Pressure Gradient. Journal of the Tensor Society, 6(01), 51-67. https://doi.org/10.56424/jts.v6i01.10460
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